Your choices are important
A package must be recyclable, over and over again. It is important to reduce the packaging’s resource consumption and negative environmental impact. The choices you make when a new package is produced greatly affect the packaging’s recycling potential. It is therefore important that you already in the development work follow prevailing principles regarding design for recycling.
We help you through the entire design process with advice, design guidelines, smart tips, and training.
Workshops and consultations
The choices you make in the design process regarding material selection, glue, printing and other things have a major impact on the packaging’s ability to be recycled. We help you increase the recyclability of your packaging through webinars and training in design for recycling. We can also hold a workshop with your company.
Our main priority is to work to increase the material recycling of packaging. This means that we base our advice on how recyclable a packaging is, regardless of the material it is made of.
We do not advocate any material over another, but assess material recyclability on a case-by-case basis.
The recyclability of a package can be affected by technological advances or changes in collection and sorting. We keep up to date with changing conditions at our partners’ facilities and adapt our advice accordingly.
Contact us for personal advice on how your packaging can be easier to recycle and contribute to increased circularity.

Design guidelines for recycling and circularity
Packaging manuals
In our manuals you find design guidelines and in-depth information about the recycling and design of circular packaging. Read about how the choice of materials, colors and labels can affect the recyclability of a package and what choices you should make to contribute to increased circularity.
We have manuals for plastic, paper, metal and glass packaging. Use them to make informed choices when designing or selecting packaging.
The manuals are available to everyone who is affiliated with the Näringslivets Producentansvar. Order your copies via the form below.
Order packaging manuals
Our packaging manuals are available to everyone who is affiliated to Näringslivets Producentansvar. The packaging manuals are free and available in both Swedish and English. Fill out the form and we will send links to the manuals you are interested in.
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How your design choices can affect your packaging fee
Differentiated fees
Differentiated packaging fees mean that you can get a lower fee level if the packaging is adapted to material recycling. We offer differentiated fee levels for plastic and paper packaging, with the aim of steering the development towards more material recycling and circular flows. Our criteria documents state how a package must be designed to qualify for a lower fee level.
We are happy to support you in matters related to design for more recyclable and circular packaging.

Make it easy to sort correctly
Label your packaging
By clearly labeling your packaging with symbols for material types, you make it easier for consumers to source-separate the packaging correctly.