Packaging you are required to report
We help you with your packaging reporting and also submit your annual report to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
In the report, you state the packaging volumes you put on the Swedish market.
The report forms the basis for the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s calculation of material recycling rates – i.e. the proportion of packaging that has been placed on the market that has been material recycled.
Reporting to Näringslivets Producentansvar
Packaging material
You must report packaging volumes in kilograms for all types of packaging you place on the Swedish market and whether the packaging you report is for Private use or Other than private use. Packaging made of the following materials must be included in your report:
Other packaging materials (such as ceramics and textiles)
Packaging that you are required to report
- Packaging that your company packs or fills, and then sells or places on the Swedish market.
- Packaging for products that your company imports or brings into Sweden
- Packaging that your company adds to an already packaged product.
- Packaging intended for reuse within the company.
- The packaging is only reported when it is used the first time. Packaging is not reported when it is re-filled. Examples of refilling: bread crates used by bakeries for transport.
- Packaging that is used for internal deliveries within the company, even though it is not placed on the market.
- Service packaging that your company produces, imports or brings in. The wrapping material used to protect service packaging must also be reported. Read more about service packaging in step 3 in this guide.
Packaging that you are not required to report
- Production waste.
- Export packaging
- Packaging with deposit i are part of a different system and are handled by Returpack.
- Packaging for which the packaging fee has already been paid
- You do not have to report packaging and pay fees if the packaging fee has already been paid downstream. For service packaging, the packaging manufacturer or importer pays the fee to Näringslivets Producentansvar unless otherwise agreed. If you are unsure whether or not the packaging supplier has paid a packaging fee for service packaging, you can check the supplier’s invoice. If packaging fee is already paid, it shall be clearly specified at item level.