Contact us
Producers with questions about agreements, our offer, reporting or other questions:
Phone: +46 8 566 144 49, mon-thurs 9.00-16.00, fri 9.00-15.00, lunch 11.30-12.30
Email: producer@npa.se
Producers with questions about invoices:
Phone: +46 8-735 90 00
Email: fakturafinans@svea.com
Transfer stations and questions about NPA Logistik:
Email: logistik@npa.se.
Facilities and collection points:
Email: anlaggning@npa.se
Contact form
Select the area for your question
- Producer: for you who are a producer and have questions concerning, for example, your agreement, our offer or reporting.
- Facility: for those who work at a reception facility or collections point, or have questions related to material quality.
- Logistics: for those who work at a transfer station, or have questions about transport from a transfer station or reception facility, as well as questions related to NPA Logistik.
Company details
Company name
Näringslivets Producentansvar
i Sverige AB
Postal address
Box 1176
171 23 Solna
Visitors address
Löfströms Allé 5, Staircase C, 1st floor
172 66 Sundbyberg
Telephone: +46(0)8 566 144 49
Email: producer@npa.se
Invoice details
Invoice address
Näringslivets Producentansvar i Sverige AB
Box 1176
171 23 SOLNA
Corporate registration number
The registered office of the Board is Solna, Sweden
Invoice reference/Ref-nr
Provide the five digit number combination, received from your contact person. We are not able to handle invoices that lack an invoice reference.
Peppol-ID 0007:5594202391
Email the invoice mailbox faktura@npa.se
Only one invoice per email. We do not accept emails with links for downloading PDF-invoices.

Are you a journalist? We help you with information on traceable recycling of packaging, circular flows and contacts to spokespersons for interviews.
We intend to drive development towards circular and traceable material recycling. We do this, among other things, by making it easier for you as a journalist to write about the subject.
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