Consultation responses
Here you find the responses that Näringslivets Producentansvar has sent in on consultation documents, regarding, for example, proposals, investigations and reports. In our responses, we explain our views on the proposal and what consequences it may have.
(Consultation documents and responses in Swedish only)
Consultation document:
Promemoria från Klimat- och Näringslivsdepartementet (Memorandum from the Swedish Ministry of Climate and Enterprise
Consultation response:
Reformering av avfallslagstiftningen för ökad materialåtervinning och för mer cirkulär ekonomi (Reforming waste legislation for increased material recycling and a more circular economy)
Consultation document:
Letter from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Delredovisning 3 inom Uppdrag om producentansvar förpackningar (Partial report 3 within Assignment producer responsibility packaging)
Consultation document:
Naturvårdsverkets skrivelse (Missive of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency)
Consultation response:
Beräkning av kostnader för att transportera bort och hantera engångsplast som skräpar ned (Calculating costs for transporting och handling single-use plastic litter)
Consultation document:
Naturvårdsverkets föreskrifter (The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s referral on regulations)
Consultation response:
Föreskrifter som fastställer produktavgiftens storlek (Regulations that determine the size of the product fee)
Consultation document:
Framställan från Naturvårdsverket (Petition for changes from The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency)
Consultation response:
Ändringar i förordningen (2021:1002) om nedskräpningsavgifter (Changes to the regulation (2021:1002) regarding littering fees)
Consultation response:
”Avfall i ett cirkulärt samhälle”, samt avfallsförebyggande program ”Sverige tänker efter – före!” (“Waste in a circular society”, as well as “Sweden reflects – before!”)
Consultation document:
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal for a national waste plan
Consultation document:
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal for a waste prevention program
Consultation document:
The Swedish Energy Authority’s report
Consultation response:
”Styrmedel för CCS och CCU – Avskiljning och lagring respektive användning av koldioxid” (Governing means for CCS and CCU – Separation and storage and use of carbon dioxide respectively)
Consultation document:
Request of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Consultation response:
“Hemställan om ändringar i förordningen (1998:940) om avgifter för prövning och tillsyn enligt miljöbalken gällande producentansvaren” (Missive on amendments to the regulation (1998:940) on fees for examination and supervision according to the environmental code regarding producer responsibility)
Consultation document:
Draft from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Consultation response:
“Utkast till ny vägledning gällande fastighetsnära insamling” (Draft of new guidance regarding curbside collection)
Consultation document:
Missive of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Consultation response:
“Åtgärder för att öka materialåtervinningen av avfall” (Measures to increase material recycling of waste)
4 posts
Consultation response to memorandum on reforming waste legislation
The memorandum “Reform of waste legislation for increased material recycling and for a more circular economy” contains proposals for a reformed and modernized waste legislation with the aim of preventing waste and increasing material recycling so that Sweden can achieve the goals set by the EU in this area. The proposed amendments to the constitution will enter into force on 1 January 2026. Näringslivets Producentansvar is one of many consultation bodies and we have now submitted our consultation response.
Read moreReferral response on littering fees and regulations that determine the size of the product fee
Producer responsibility for packaging includes contributing to reduced littering. The littering regulation establishes the financial responsibility of the producers concerned.
Read moreReferral response for a national waste plan and waste prevention program
In our referral response to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's proposal for a national waste plan ("Waste in a circular society") and waste prevention program ("Sweden reflects - before!") we highlight, among other things, the following points of view linked to our issue; circular flows for packaging waste through collection and material recycling.
Read moreReferral response concering governing means for CCS and CCU
NPA has submitted a referral response to the Swedish Energy Agency's report "Styrmedel för CCS och CCU – Avskiljning och lagring respektive användning av koldioxid"
Read more