Projects and networks
Rapid technological developments, new legal requirements and innovations linked to packaging development and material types affects the producer responsibility for packaging. Therefore, collaboration and dialogue with others in the industry is an important part of our business. We participate in a number of different contexts to monitor and drive development so that it takes the producers’ needs and perspectives into account.

EXPRA (Extended producer responsibility alliance) is an international lobby and networking organisation, mainly at EU level, for producer-owned, non-profit producer responsibility organisations (PROs). EXPRA focuses on lobbying at EU level and exchange of experience between member states.
EXPRA Nordic is a subgroup for the Nordic region. This includes the market-leading PRO:s or its service organization – Grønt Punkt Norge, Rinki, Vana and Úrvinnslusjóður. Close cooperation between the Nordic organizations is important to protect our common members and to meet new requirements from the EU, as many producers operate on markets in several countries. Together, we work towards common goals for higher material recycling, service and cost efficiency and work to ensure common tools and as good a harmonization as possible, even though national legislation may differ.

The Keep Sweden Tidy Foundation
The Keep Sweden Tidy Foundation is a non-profit independent organisation that works against littering. The foundation’s mission is to influence attitudes and behaviors to achieve the vision that no one should litter.
Henrik Nilsson, Head of Business Development & Public Relations at Näringslivets Producentansvar, sits on the board of the Keep Sweden Tidy Foundation.

We are a supporter of RecyClass. RecyClass is a cross-industry organisation that works to promote the recyclability of plastic packaging in Europe by developing common guidelines for what qualifies as recyclable plastic packaging, as well as providing tools for the evaluation, classification and certification of packaging.

WECoS (Waste-to-Energy in Sweden’s circular economy: Collaborative system dynamics and choice modelling) is a project run by RISE with funding from the Swedish Energy Agency. The project focuses on scenario analysis of future possibilities for the development of waste incineration, biogas and CCS in order to meet goals linked to material recycling and net zero emissions of carbon dioxide. Other participants in the project are Öresundskraft, NSR and the city of Helsingborg. The project started in the spring of 2023 and is planned to end in the fall of 2024.
Partner is a site where Sweden’s consumers find factual and objective information about how household waste should be managed. How should you sort and why, where should the waste be left and what happens after sorting? is a collaborative project between Waste Sweden, Näringslivets Producentansvar, El-Kretsen and Recipo, with a contribution from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.