Producers affiliated to Näringslivets Producentansvar
As of November 1, 2023, all producers must be affiliated to an approved producer responsibility organization, and through it finance the collection and recycling of all types of materials.
Competition on equal terms
In order for producer responsibility for packaging to function as intended by the regulation, it is required that all producers take responsibility and contribute by complying with the legal requirement by
- being registered as a producer with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and
- being affiliated with an approved producer responsibility organization.
It is a question of competition on equal terms for a fair and functioning market. Producers who take their responsibility should not finance the collection and recycling of packaging put on the market by producers who do not meet the legal requirements. Free riding contributes to a distorted competition among producers, especially when the cost of recycling increases with the higher requirements that the new regulation imposes on producers.
Equal for all
Regardless of whether the producer puts large or small volumes on the market, all producers pay the same fee for the same type of packaging. The packaging fee finances the costs of collection and recycling, but also constitutes an important resource for innovation and development. The more producers who participate and pay, the greater opportunities we have to drive development towards circular material flows.