Our strategic partners
Through strategic partnerships with selected facilities for sorting and recycling, we intend to continue driving development towards circular and traceable material recycling.

For a circular plastic recycling
Swedish Plastic Recycling
Näringslivets Producentansvar has a strategic partnership with Swedish Plastic Recycling. When you are affiliated to us, your plastic packaging gets the chance to be recycled at their new sorting facility Site Zero – the world’s largest and most advanced plastic recycling facility.
With Site Zero, Swedish Plastic Recycling doubles its capacity and triples the number of plastic types it can receive, sort and recycle.
In this way, we create the conditions to recycle all of our producers’ plastic packaging and create circular plastic flows.

Glass can be materially recycled over and over again
Swedish Glass Recycling
Glass is one of the materials where circularity is at its best. Näringslivets Producentansvar has a strategic partnership with Swedish Glass Recycling, which today recycles over 90 percent of all glass packaging in Sweden.
Every weekday, Swedish Glass Recycling receives 900 tonnes of glass packaging at their facility in Hammar, where they sort, crush and refine the old glass into a new raw material.
Together, we work to support the producers in their work to make all glass packaging as recyclable as possible. It starts at the drawing board when designing a product.