The announcement from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency means that producers who have already chosen to join the Näringslivets Producentansvar thereby fulfill the requirement in the new packaging regulation.
– We are very happy that the announcement has now come from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, we have been waiting. Now we can fully focus on continuing to develop the business in order to best support our affiliated producers when it comes to meeting the new, higher requirements in the regulation, says Helena Nylén, CEO at Näringslivets Producentansvar.
Join Näringslivets Producentansvar
According to the regulation, all producers who place packaging on the Swedish market must, as of November 1, 2023, be affiliated with or provide a producer responsibility organization themselves. Many have already chosen Näringslivets Producentansvar as their PRO, but producers who have not yet made their choice are warmly welcome to contact Näringslivets Producentansvar to join.
New company based on solid competence and experience
– A lot is happening in the packaging business, and with the new regulation and other legislation comes new demands on producers. By joining us, producers ensure that they meet the requirements of the new regulation. We at Näringslivets Producentansvar offer value-creating support in all matters related to producer responsibility, so that together we can drive development towards circular material flows. Our service portfolio is sustainable and responsible, with a focus on offering traceable and circular material recycling. We welcome all producers to join us, says Helena Nylén.
Näringslivets Producentansvar was formed in January 2023 and is owned by the trade organizations Dagligvaruleverantörerna (DLF), Svensk Dagligvaruhandel, Sveriges Bryggerier, Sprit & Vinleverantörsföreningen and Svensk Handel. The company is based on the experience and expertise that FTI has built up over nearly 30 years, and with the industry organizations as owners, the company gets a strong foundation and great opportunities to influence affiliated producers.