To make it easier for you as a customer to navigate our reporting instructions and criteria for differentiated fees, we have collected all information regarding reporting of all types of materials for Private use and Other than private use in one and the same document.
The new document, which comes into effect on April 1st, replaces previous versions of criteria for differentiated fees and includes the following updates:
•Adjustment of test requirements for flexible PP with EVOH barrier
The condition requiring additional testing when using adhesive in combination with an EVOH barrier is removed. This means that the different elements can be evaluated separately, in line with the latest RecyClass update (January 2025).
•Exception for Black NIR-Detectable Colours
Black PE and PP packaging that is NIR-detectable can now be included in the yellow fee level. Identification and sorting must be verified through testing at Swedish Plastic Recycling or a sorting facility recognized by RecyClass.
Referring to NIR detectability rather than “black” reflects the terminology now used in the industry. We have already made this change for flexible PE and PP packaging, and it now also applies to rigid PE and PP packaging. Please note that black and dark-coloured packaging has a lower value, meaning that only the yellow fee level can be obtained (not green). Our recommendation remains light colors, preferably uncolored.
• Allowing attached closures of PE, PP, and PO (Polyolefin) on PET bottles
Attached closure components made of PE or PP with a density below 1 g/cm³ are now allowed on PET bottles within the green and yellow fee levels. These materials can be separated later in the recycling process and recycled separately (though not as high-value material).
By allowing this, we reduce incentives for less efficient solutions that risk contaminating the high-value PET fraction.
Reporting categories and criteria for differentiated fees